
Editing & Beta Reading

Focus Area Proofreading Copy Editing Developmental Editing Beta Reading
Spelling Y Y Y  
Grammar Y Y Y  
Capitalization Y Y Y  
Punctuation Y Y Y  
Formatting Y Y Y  
Abbreviations Y Y Y  
Clarity   Y Y  
Consistency   Y Y  
Word Choice   Y Y  
Redundancy   Y Y  
Flow   Y Y  
Fact-Checking   Y Y  
Tense   Y Y  
Dialogue   Y Y Y
Plot     Y Y
Character Development     Y Y
Theme     Y Y
Narrative Voice     Y Y
Scene Construction     Y Y
Plot Holes     Y Y
Suggestions     Y Y
Feedback Questions     Y Y
No. of revisions 1 2 4 -
For 10,000 words, cost (INR) ₹2,500+ ₹5,000+ ₹7,500+ ₹3000+
For 10,000 words, cost (USD) $40+ $80+ $120+ $50+

The packages are not exclusive and can be customized to suit the writer’s needs.

Writing Consultancy

Focus Areas One Time One Month End-to-End
Idea Generation Y Y Y
Outlining Y Y Y
Plot Development Y Y Y
Character Development   Y Y
Writing Techniques   Y Y
Revision     Y
Proofreading     Y
Synopsis Assistance     Y
Editing Add-on Add-on Add-on
No. of 1-on-1 calls 1 First 3 discussion calls on alternate days & 3 follow-up calls on a weekly basis First 3 discussion calls on alternate days & follow-up calls every two weeks (30)
Validity 1 time 1 month Valid till the Final Draft is ready or for 1 year, whichever is sooner
Cost (INR) ₹3,000 ₹15,000 ₹60,000
Cost (USD) $50 $250 $1000